Scheme-xtlang interop

The rationale behind having the two languages is covered in philosophy, but there are a few other things worth knowing about the relationship between Scheme and xtlang in Extempore.

The tl;dr of this page is: at the top-level (i.e. not called by/in another function) all the bind-* forms (e.g. bind-func, bind-val) are xtlang, as is anything inside a call-as-xtlang / xtmX / $/$$ special form. Other than that, it’s Scheme code.

A Scheme function (for example named scheme-foo) is created by using the define keyword and a Scheme lambda expression:

(define scheme-foo
(lambda (argument1 argument2)
  ;; do some manipulations of the arguments
  ;; the last calculated expression is the 'return' value for the function scheme-foo

An xtlang function (for example named xtlang_bar) is created by using the bind-func keyword and an xtlang lambda expression:

(bind-func xtlang_bar:[type_of_return_value,type_of_argument1,type_of_argument2]*
  (lambda (argument1:type_of_argument1 argument2:type_of_argument2)
    ;; do some manipulations of the arguments
    ;; the last calculated expression is the 'return' value for the function xtlang_bar

So there are already a few potentially confusing things.

  1. the Scheme lambda expression and the xtlang lambda function have the same name, but are different. The Scheme version only makes sense in a Scheme expression, whilst the xtlang version only makes sense in an xtlang expression (such as the body of a bind-func)
  2. its important to understand when you are in a Scheme context vs an xtlang context. If you are typing into your text editor, and you are on a new line, and you type an opening ( then what comes next should be a Scheme function.
  3. extra confusing is that when you create the xtlang function xtlang_bar, extempore also creates a Scheme function xtlang_bar which is simply a wrapper for the xtlang version. The reason for doing this is that otherwise there would be no way to actually call the xtlang version (other than in other bind-func expressions)

When mixing Scheme and xtlang code, remember that Scheme is dynamically typed (meaning you don’t have to specify what data type the input arguments or return value have when you define the closure) but xtlang functions are statically typed, so when you bind-func a new closure you must specify the type of the input arguments and the return argument. Because closures in xtlang are “first-class citizens”, the newly created closures itself has a type (which is basically a closure type with certain input types and return type). Again, see types for a more detailed discussion.

More caveats

Sometimes, the Scheme-xtlang interop stuff can be a bit too tricky for its own good. Consider this example:

(bind-func make_squarer
  (lambda ()
    (lambda (x:double)
      (* x x))))

(bind-func test_apply:[double,[double,double]*,double]*
  (lambda (f:[double,double]* x:double)
    (f x)))

(define mysquarer (make_squarer))

(test_apply mysquarer 2.0)

Here, calling (make_squarer) from Scheme, returns a Scheme cptr object—which is the actual xtlang closure. When you call test_apply with the mysquarer argument the generic Scheme cptr gets cast back to the appropriate xtlang closure type as required by test_apply. So far all good.

Sometimes, however, Extempore gets in the road by trying to help you out :) As discussed above, all top level xtlang closures (i.e. anything created with bind-func) have a Scheme wrapper function automatically bound to the same name. So in this example:

(bind-func squarer:[double,double]*
  (lambda (x)
    (* x x)))

(bind-func test_apply:[double,[double,double]*,double]*
  (lambda (f:[double,double]* x:double)
    (f x)))

(test_apply squarer 2.0) ;; this won't work

squarer, when used as an argument to test_apply (in Scheme land), is actually a Scheme function, not a Scheme cptr. The way around this is to make sure the final test_apply call is an xtlang one using a $ form the xtlang closure as a cptr:

($ (test_apply squarer 2.0))

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