C-xtlang interop

There’s a lot of useful C library code out there. Sometimes there are good reasons to write things from scratch, but other times you find the exact thing you’re looking for on GitHub and you just want to link against it and then go home to watch the footy.

Most languages (both high and low-level) provide some sort of foreign function interface (FFI) to C. Different languages provide this functionality in different ways, but at the end of the day the aim is to be able to call external C code from within the language, and xtlang provides a way to do this.

The reasons for binding to C library code are different in xtlang than they are in other languages, particularly ‘scripting’ languages like Perl or Ruby. In those languages, it’s often for performance reasons—there’s a certain hot loop of the code, and rewriting it in C can give a huge performance win. xtlang, on the other hand, is already high performance, because of its native compilation via LLVM, so rewriting bits in C isn’t usually of any benefit. The main reason you’ll want to call C code from xtlang, then, is to take advantage of existing libraries.

xtlang-C interaction

In some ways, mixing xtlang code and C code is easy. The type system is quite similar: all of xtlang’s floats and ints have a C counterpart which is exactly the same. Tuples are the same as C structs, and xtlang’s arrays are the same as C arrays. These type equivalences aren’t just conceptual or semantic—they’re the exact same bit patterns in memory.

Also, both languages have pointer types, and deal with manual memory management via pointers. Both have a static type system which allows the compiler to throw errors at compile time if the types don’t all match up. So there are some good reasons why C and xtlang should play nicely together.

Having said that, there are some key differences between C and xtlang. C is the archetype of the ‘static language’, while xtlang is designed to allow the programmer to redefine core parts of the program while it is executing (see philosophy for more details). Extempore supports REPL-style development, with the programmer interacting with the source code, evaluating and compiling parts of it in a non-linear fashion, and then modifying and recompiling it as necessary. There are a few quirky projects which allow this type of development with C, but in general you build the whole project, then ship the resulting binary.

So how does xtlang support binding and calling C code dynamically from xtlang code? The basic answer is though shared (dynamic) libraries. To recap, C libraries can either be statically compiled into an application, or dynamically linked in at run-time. There are pros and cons to both approaches, and so C libraries can be compiled either statically or dynamically (by setting a compiler flag).

To call a C library from xtlang involves creating an xtlang ‘header’, which lets the xtlang compiler know about the types and function signatures in C library’s header. I’m using the term header in quotes because it doesn’t have to be its own source file, there are no restrictions on naming, etc. It’s just regular xtlang code that needs to be evaluated before you can use the functions in the library. Extempore can then load the shared library, xtlang can call functions in the library, and it should all be peaches.

Foolib: the world’s most useless C library

Let’s consider a really simple example. Say we have a C library which only defines one function called foo. This library (libfoo) will have a header

/* libfoo.h */

int foo(int bar);

and an implementation

/* libfoo.c */

int foo(int bar){
  return bar + 42;

Not the most useful library in the world, to be sure, but let’s compile it as a shared library anyway. Shared libraries have different file extensions on the different platforms that Extempore runs on:

  • OSX: libname.dylib
  • Linux: libname.so
  • Windows: libname.dll

If you compile the library yourself, in general you should get the right type of binary for your platform. If you’ve just downloaded the .dylib (or .so, or .dll) from the interwebs, though, you need to be careful that the binary file was compiled for the platform you’re on. It’s not just a matter of renaming the file to right file extension, either: the guts of the file are different between the platforms as well.

From here on I’ll assume you’re on OSX, so I’ll refer to libraries with the .dylib extension, but just substitute in the appropriate extension for your platform. To build the shared library on OSX, move into libfoo’s directory and build it with the -dynamiclib flag:

clang libfoo.c -dynamiclib -o libfoo.dylib

clang is a C compiler that’s part of the LLVM project. I could also have used gcc or some other compiler.

After running the above command, the file libfoo.dylib will appear in the directory—a binary file which contains the instructions for how to perform the functions provided by the library (in this case just the function foo). This is the shared or dynamic library.

Once the shared library is compiled, the only thing to do before it’s callable from xtlang code is to tell xtlang compiler about the type signature of the functions in the library. To do this, we use bind-lib.

;; libfoo.xtm -- an xtm header for libfoo

;; load the shared lib
(bind-dylib libfoo "libfoo.dylib")

;; define foo as a function
(bind-lib libfoo foo [i64,i64]*)

;; test that everything worked ok
(bind-func foo_test
  (lambda (x)
    (printf "foo(x) = %lld\n" (foo x))))

(foo_test 6) ;; prints "foo(x) = 48"

bind-dylib is the Extempore interface for loading shared libraries. To find the library, it first looks for one of that name in the directory in which the Extempore process is running. After that, it’ll look on your system’s library path. bind-dylib has a return value, which in the example above is bound to the symbol libfoo. It’s important to capture this return value, because we’ll need it shortly with bind-lib.

In libfoo.xtm (above), bind-lib is really only declaring that “there is a C function called foo in the shared library libfoo, and it takes one i64 argument and returns an i64.

But hang on a sec—if foo is a C function, why does it have the type signature (square brackets) of an xtlang closure? Well, this is a bit of a cheat on xtlang’s part—the bound function foo is just the plain C function from the library. But we do have to specify its type signature (argument and return types), and because xtlang doesn’t provide a syntax for functions (only closures), then bind-val just takes a closure signature and interprets it as a function signature (which are the same).

It really is just a C function, though, and there is no performance penalty for calling C functions in xtlang code. This is because there’s no wrapper functions or anything like that that have to operate as a bridge between the xtlang code, and the argument and return types have exact (bit-identical) xtlang counterparts, so there’s really no hard work to do (in contrast to higher level languages, which have to worry about boxing/unboxing numeric types, for example).

KissFFT: a more useful library

As a more useful example, let’s look at the library fft.xtm in the libs/external directory which comes with Extempore. fft.xtm uses the excellent KissFFT library for doing Fourier transforms. The library is quite small and clean, and is spread over only a few source files—the main ones being kiss_fft.h & kiss_fft.c. There’s gonna be a bit of C in this section. Nothing too complicated, but if you’re rusty it might be worth picking up a copy of K&R or your to flip through if necessary.

If you’re playing along at home, then you’ll need to download the KissFFT source, build the kiss_fft.dylib library and put it somewhere that bind-dylib will find it. The fft.xtm header has some instructions on how to do this.

After that’s done, then it’s a matter of providing bind-lib xtlang definitions which tell Extempore about the functions in kiss_fft.dylib. But how do we know what those functions are? Well, we need to look at the kiss_fft.h header file.

A Fourier transform (FT) “expresses a mathematical function of time as a function of frequency, known as its frequency spectrum” (from Wikipedia). But don’t worry if you don’t understand the maths behind the FT for the purposes of this example, just know that we want to give it a buffer of input values and have it give us back a buffer of transformed output values. Looking through the header, it’s clear that the function we call to do this is kiss_fft.

 * kiss_fft(cfg,in_out_buf)
 * Perform an FFT on a complex input buffer.
 * for a forward FFT,
 * fin should be  f[0] , f[1] , ... ,f[nfft-1]
 * fout will be   F[0] , F[1] , ... ,F[nfft-1]
 * Note that each element is complex and can be accessed like
    f[k].r and f[k].i
 * */

void kiss_fft(kiss_fft_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout);

The function kiss_fft returns void (doesn’t return a useful value) and takes three arguments:

  • cfg (of type kiss_fft_cfg)
  • fin (of type kiss_fft_cpx*)
  • fout (also of type kiss_fft_cpx*)

This header file is well commented, and it’s clear that

  • cfg is some configuration data for the algorithm
  • fin should be a pointer to our input buffer
  • fout should be a pointer to the output buffer

Why do we pass a pointer to the output buffer in to the function? If we already know what the output is, why are we calling the function at all? The answer (and the clue is in the fact that the function returns void) is that fout should point to a buffer where kiss_fft will store the output values. Whatever data is in that buffer before the function is called will be overwritten, so it had better not be important.

Why is the library written this way? Well, one of the key benefits of this “pass in a location for the answer to be written to” approach is that the memory with the answer in it can be managed by the calling function (that is, the function which calls kiss_fft). As discussed in the memory, the explicit nature of memory allocation and deallocation in xtlang (and in C) gives the programmer great control over the lifetime of any memory the program allocates. The function which calls kiss_fft will have a much better idea of what it wants to do with the output values than kiss_fft does, so it makes sense to have this calling function allocate some memory of the appropriate size and type, and then just pass in a pointer to this memory in fout.

So now we can just go ahead and turn the signature of kiss_fft into a bind-lib and we’re done, right? Something like (remembering that xtlang uses i8* in place of C’s void type)

(define kissfft (bind-dylib "kiss_fft.dylib"))

(bind-lib kissfft kiss_fft [i8*,kiss_fft_cfg,kiss_fft_cpx*,kiss_fft_cpx*]*)

But then when we try and evaluate the bind-lib, the compiler throws an error:

Compiler Error: cannot find type for "kiss_fft_cfg"

Ah, Extempore can’t recognise the type signature for kiss_fft without knowing about all its argument and return types as well. So, let’s dive back into the kiss_fft.h header file to find the declaration of kiss_fft_cfg.

/* in kiss_fft.h */

typedef struct kiss_fft_state* kiss_fft_cfg;

So it seems that kiss_fft_cfg is actually typedef as a pointer to the struct kiss_fft_state. A typedef is just like a bind-alias in xtlang: the compiler doesn’t know anything about it, it just looks like the type it points to. So the function kiss_fft is really expecting kiss_fft_state* to be the type of its first argument. We need to find the definition of this type.

Hmm, it’s not in kiss_fft.h. A look in all the header files in the KissFFT source directory (with grep kiss_fft_state *.h) reveals that it’s actually defined in _kiss_fft_guts.h.

/* in _kiss_fft_guts.h */

struct kiss_fft_state{
    int nfft;
    int inverse;
    int factors[2*MAXFACTORS];
    kiss_fft_cpx twiddles[1];

So the kiss_fft_state struct has four members:

  • nfft (an int)
  • inverse (an int)
  • factors (an int array of length 2 ×=MAXFACTORS=)
  • twiddles (a kiss_fft_cpx array of length 1)

Earlier in that header MAXFACTORS is defined to be 32, so the factos array will be of length 64. Also, in twiddles, the kiss_fft_cpx type is new—we haven’t found a definition for it yet. So we need to do that before we can tell the xtlang compiler about the kiss_fft_state struct.

The kiss_fft_cpx definition is back in kiss_fft.h

/* in kiss_fft.h */

#include <sys/types.h>
# if (FIXED_POINT == 32)
#  define kiss_fft_scalar int32_t
# else
#  define kiss_fft_scalar int16_t
# endif
# ifndef kiss_fft_scalar
/*  default is float */
#   define kiss_fft_scalar float
# endif

typedef struct {
    kiss_fft_scalar r;
    kiss_fft_scalar i;

typedef struct kiss_fft_state* kiss_fft_cfg;

kiss_fft_cpx is itself a struct with two values, r and i, which are both of type kiss_fft_scalar. Looking at the top part of that code, the type of kiss_fft_scalar depends on how the library was compiled (all those #ifdef checks are performed at compile time). In this case (and you can either trust me or check for yourself), we didn’t pass any options for a fixed-point version of the library or anything special, so kiss_fft_scalar will have the ‘default’ type of float.

kiss_fft_cpx is therefore a struct of two floats. This makes sense given our knowledge of what the struct is designed to represent: a complex number. The two float members are for the real (r) and imaginary (i) part of the complex number.

Now, finally, we know all the types we need to call kiss_fft. We just need to tell the xtlang compiler about them.

;; in fft.xtm

(bind-type kiss_fft_cpx <float,float>)
(bind-type kiss_fft_state <i32,i32,|64,i32|,|1,kiss_fft_cpx|>)
(bind-alias kiss_fft_cfg kiss_fft_state*)

(bind-lib kissfft kiss_fft [i8*,kiss_fft_cfg,kiss_fft_cpx*,kiss_fft_cpx*]*)

See how each struct in C gets bound as a type in xtlang? If you don’t believe me, go and have a look at the struct definitions above—they should match up perfectly. We can now create tuples of type kiss_fft_cpx in xtlang just like we would any other tuple, and in fact we’ll have to if we want to actually call the functions from the library.

So after all this detective work, finding and declaring the appropriate type signatures, the above code finally compiles:

Bound kiss_fft_cpx >>> <float,float>
Bound kiss_fft_state >>> <i32,i32,|64,i32|,|1,kiss_fft_cpx|>
Aliased kiss_fft_cfg >>> kiss_fft_state*
Bound kiss_fft >>> [i8*,kiss_fft_cfg,kiss_fft_cpx*,kiss_fft_cpx*]*

There are a few more functions in the actual fft.xtm file which I haven’t included here: helper functions for setting up the kiss_fft_cfg struct, determining efficient FFT stride lengths and other things like that. You don’t have to bind-lib all the functions in the library, just the ones you need, although knowing which ones sometimes more of an art than a science. If the library has a well defined API then it might be clear exactly how to get what you want out of the library, but sometimes it just takes a bit of digging around and looking at the code. In general, the approach I’ve taken here of “find the function you want to call first, then work backwards to define all the necessary types and helper functions” is probably not a bad one.

The external directory

If you’ve looked around the extempore examples or libs directory, you might have noticed that there are core, external and contrib subdirectories in each one. The reason for the core/external distinction is that any .xtm file which doesn’t require binding to an external C library goes in core, and any .xtm file that does call into a shared library goes in external. contrib is for platform-dependent things, such as the Kinect library.

Everything in these folders is honest-to-goodness xtlang code just like you could write yourself, and if you want to change anything in these libraries you can do it on the fly, just as you can with any other xtlang code. This is pretty cool—there’s something exciting about being able to hack on the standard library while your code is running.

They’re also a great place to explore and get ideas for your own xtlang code. And if you do end up writing a cool library (or xtlang bindings for a cool C shared library) then submit a pull request and we’ll see if we can get it included in the main Extempore distribution.

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