xtlang docstrings
xtlang supports rich docstrings (documentation strings) with a lightweight javadoc/jsdoc-style markup for documenting individual parameters, return values, providing links to other, related functionality, and even examples. Here’s an example of a closure with a docstring:
(bind-func bens_great_function
"a (one-line) description of the function: this is Ben's great
function for adding two numbers together
Here's some more detail. Sometimes, you just need to add two numbers. And the +
operator just isn't up to the job. Well, that's when you need
bens_great_function (well, as long as the numbers are i64).
@param - the first number to add
@param - the second number to add
@return - the sum of the two input arguments
(bens_great_function 4 7) ;; returns 11
@see bens_other_great_function - another great function to check out"
(lambda (a:i64 b)
(+ a b)))
The @param
lines are just for providing docstrings for each argument:
the names and types of the arguments will be taken from the actual
closure body. All of the @
tags are optional—you can just write a
one-line string as the docstring.
You can also add docstrings to other (xtlang) things:
(bind-val bens_global_variable i32 42
"the answer to life, the universe and everything
@see bens_other_global_variable - holds the question to which this is the answer")
(bind-lib libmissile fire_ze_missiles [void,i64]*
"fire ze missiles!
Be careful - this function has side effects.
@param - the number of missiles to fire.
@return - check for success by looking out the window and seeing if everything is destroyed")
(bind-type BenType <i32,float>
"this is a great type.
This type is handy for storing your favourite numbers.
@param - Ben's favourite integer
@param - Ben's favourite float
@see BenType_print")
(bind-poly print BenType_print
"Overloaded print function for BenType
This polymorphic overload allows println to 'do the right thing' with variables
of BenType\*
(let ((bt (BenType 3 5.2)))
(println bt)) ;; prints <BenType: 3 5.200>
@see BenType")
Currently, not many xtlang functions have docstrings, and the ones that are there aren’t very detailed/informative. Over the next little while the goal is to add/improve the docstrings in the various xtlang libraries. It’s the sort of job which can be done bit-by-bit, and it’s also the sort of job which the community can help with.
So, if you’re looking for a way to contribute, and there’s a particular xtlang library which you use and feel familiar enough with to write some docstrings for, then give it a go and send a pull request :)
This will hopefully be a virtuous cycle: as the docstrings improve then Extempore/xtlang will become easier to grok, which will then mean that more folks are in a position to write better docstrings and help out. By generating the docs directly from the source code + docstrings, hopefully the job of keeping things up to date will be a little bit easier.
So get amongst it :)
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